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MINUTES September 21, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to reconsider the Board's vote of September 7, 1995, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all greed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 44' local variance from abutting well, (#46 Pond <br /> Circle), to the proposed on-site leaching facility, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Request for Board's reconsideration - 2 Huron Avenue <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The owner is requesting the Board reconsider their vote of <br /> September 7, 1995 which denied a request for local variance relief." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 31' local variance from abutting well, (#26 <br /> Mohawk Avenue), to the proposed on-site leaching facility and a 33' local variance from <br /> abutting well, (46 Huron Avenue), to the proposed on-site leaching facility, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> Executive Office of Communities and Development - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "There is a <br /> grant available for low income homeowners for replacement of their septic systems." "I <br /> will research this matter further." <br /> i <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> Lakeside Trailer Park <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Evans and I met at the trailer park with Frank <br /> Mezzakappa, a representative from Cape & Islands Eng. and Mr. Haney." "D.E.P. is not <br /> j relinquishing the fact that they have jurisdiction over trailer parks." "This is a pre-existing <br /> trailer park which was established in 1930." "The law that put the control under the <br /> D.E.P. came into being in the late 60's." "The end result was that Mr. Haney will think <br /> about a treatment plant meanwhile we cannot issue any more septic permits as Mr. Haney <br /> is hoping to relocate some of the larger lots into smaller lots because he buying duplex <br /> trailers." "We can only issue septic permits for emergency repairs." "I contacted Town <br /> Counsel on this a few weeks ago." "Town Counsel is requesting I provide him with a <br /> copy of the general law which takes the authority away from the Board of Health." "If I <br /> receive any further information on the matter I will inform the Board." <br /> Acknowledged. <br />