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M1N`UTES October 19, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 8.} B.B.P.'s septic tracking software - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is a Board of <br /> Health software package that is available through the Buzzards Bay Project at no charge." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 9.) EOCD septic rant package - Mr. Doherty stated, "This is a $100,000.00 grant <br /> available to the town." "It provides money in the form of low interest loans or <br /> betterments to low to moderate income families requiring septic system repairs however, it <br /> cannot be used for any repair beyond the scope of Title V." "Does this mean that in order <br /> to use this money we are going to have to allow substandard repairs, by substandard I <br /> mean not meeting town regulations but meeting Title V or does it mean the homeowner is <br /> going to have to pay for the additional costs to meet town regulations?" "There are some <br /> other questions in terms of how the program is to be administered." "The State allows for <br /> two or three different options." "I would recommend Board members review the <br /> material." <br /> 10.) Variance request 8 Ship's Lantern Drive - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The owner is <br /> requesting a 17' local variance from abutting well, (#17 Ship's Lantern Drive), to the <br /> proposed on-site leaching facility and a 50' local variance from abutting well, (#21 <br /> Mashpee Neck Road), to the proposed on-site leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variances as stated by Mr. McQuaid with the <br /> stipulation the engineer consider the installation of flow diffiiser's in place of trenches, Mr. <br /> Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Residential water sources -prima vs. secondary+ <br /> I <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "At last week's meeting the Board directed the health agent <br /> to forward a letter to ail engineers, that frequently perform work- in town, stab ig this <br /> Board will no longer accept incomplete plans, all plans must delineate locations of all <br /> wells, (active or inactive) within 200' of the proposed or existing leaching facility." <br /> "Unfortunately, the letters were sent but indicated all wells, (active or inactive), within <br /> 150' of the proposed or existing leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "The new Title V indicates 150'." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "i spoke with a representative from the Water District who <br /> relayed if water meters are connected they are not necessarily on town water." "They are <br /> referring to this as a dry line/dry meter." <br /> I <br />