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10/19/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
10/19/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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{ MINUTES October 19, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would recommend we forward a description of all our <br /> human service agencies officially, to the Board of Selectmen." "If they want a human <br /> services committee, due to the confidential nature of the services they provide, it should <br /> be a subcommittee appointed by the Board of Health." "I would recommend we include <br /> that in the letter." <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommend both agents attend the meeting." <br /> Agreed. <br /> 5.) Memo from Bill Wall re: Clivus System- Acknowledged. <br /> r <br /> 6.) CoMx of letter to Town of Bourne re: Joining UCRTS - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "Being on the Board of Managers at the Otis Transfer Station we have been negotiating <br /> with the town of Bourne to allow them to enter into our intermunicipal agreement." "It <br /> Iooks like it's going to happen and looks like the town of Mashpee will receive roughly <br /> 1/4 of a million dollars because in the original intermunicipal agreement the idea of Bourne <br /> joining was mentioned and the terms were that they will have to buy in at the original <br /> construction costs of $1,900,000.00 based on their percentage." "All the towns fully <br /> agree that our transfer station at Otis can handle it without even hiring additional man <br /> power." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "I assume that will lower our yearly overhead costs." <br /> Mr. McQuaid replied, "Absolutely." <br /> 7.) Letter from Sandwich Stump Durn re: Recycling - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "As <br /> you know the town of Sandwich and the Sandwich Stump Dump have been in court for <br /> about three years to open up a recycling operation." "I attended the last Regional Solid <br /> Waste Advisory Committee meeting in Barnstable and in my opinion, it would be <br /> beneficial for us to invite Mr. Bojack to come before the Board to explain to us what type <br /> of municipal contracts he wants as far as our demolition, construction debris and other <br /> recycling products." "Currently, our recycling materials are sent to various facilities, some <br /> we are reimbursed for others we are not." "Once we close and cap our landfill we won't <br /> be able to handle it there unless we make arrangements with Mr. DiMaggio to grind, chip <br /> it and haul it off Cape." "In my opinion, Mr. Bojack is very knowledgeable and would like <br /> to get the surrounding towns involved in utilizing his facility." "I would also recommend <br /> we request Mr. DiMaggio's attendance at the meeting." <br /> Board members agreed. <br />
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