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MINUTES October 26, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> "Those funds will be distributed to the remaining four towns based on the percentage of <br /> the tonnage." "Approximately 21% will be refunded to the town of Mashpee." "Bill <br /> Feddema is of the opinion no increase in staff will be necessitated." <br /> 5.) Copy of bi-monthly landfill/transfer station inspection - Acknowledged. <br /> 6.) Copy of letter from Dept. of the Army re: Quonset Hut - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "I went out to the base with Bob Sullivan to view the Quonset Hut which is being <br /> offered." "They were used as artillery storage areas during World War II." "There's no <br /> rust evident." "There will be a minimum expense for the Quonset Hut." "The foundation <br /> can be a slab or pillars." "Weston & Sampson will determine the most feasible site." "In <br /> my opinion we should install a heater using our waste'oil." "I would recommend we open <br /> the Quonset Hut on weekends during the school year manned by a parent and a few <br /> students to keep it organized and neat and perhaps we could also open on Wednesday's <br /> during the summer." " <br /> Board members directed the agent to proceed with the engineering. <br /> Mr. Doherty directed the agent to forward a memo to the Leisure Service director <br /> informing him we are moving forward with plans to install the foundation and have the <br /> building brought in." "He should start planning to organize his group and to prepare rules <br /> and regulations pertaining to the swap-shop." <br /> Agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT - Mike Minior-IRP-CS 10 Plume <br /> Mr. Mike Minior, IRP Project Manager, Selectmen George Costa and Water <br /> District Commissioner Ed Baker were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Minor presented a detailed map which delineates the contaminated plumes <br /> emanating from Otis. Mr. Minior stated, "As part of our efforts to contain the CS 10 <br /> Plume I have started an investigation program, in that it is referred to as the downgradient <br /> part of the plume, along Sandwich Road (outside the Falmouth gate) and across the base <br /> along Kitridge Road where the sewage treatment plant is." "Originally, we had just <br /> looked at just putting in a hole, monitoring well #54, (near the Falmouth gate area), we <br /> found some chlorinated solvents at 395 ppb primarily TCE in m elevation of about -SO at <br /> mean sea level." "We went back to monitoring well #57 and drilled down to elevation 54 <br /> (250' below ground surface) and ran into some very heavy concentrations of chlorinated <br />