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10/26/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
10/26/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES October 26, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> growing to large." "At one point there were over twenty people in this committee." "I <br /> recommended that certain appointees be actually appointed and others be invited." "We <br /> narrowed it down where the committee will be approximately twelve people however, <br /> there will be another approximately 18 individuals or representatives or organizations <br /> invited to attend." "They will all be open meetings." "They already decided that once the <br /> committee is formed they will also need to establish an executive board." "My opinion <br /> again was, why should this be a predrawn conclusion when in fact the committee itself <br /> should be the one to decide whether or not an executive board is necessary." "There <br /> feeling is in order to get the committee going and getting the wheels turning and keeping <br /> them turning there should be an executive board of five members." "I was totally out <br /> voted on that." "The proposition is to form an executive board which will consist of the <br /> director of leisure services, one of the town health agents, one selectmen, the director of <br /> the council on aging and one member at large drawn from the population." "In addition to <br /> a health agent being on a committee and the coalition so is the chairman of the Board of <br /> Health or designee." "The next meeting is scheduled for November 14, 1995." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I think the opinion of this Board is fairly clear." "We <br /> definitely support a committee however, we feel that the committee should work through <br /> the Board of Health." "The Board will maintain all financial control as well as contracts <br /> and administration." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This coalition has been in place for over a year." "The <br /> idea was to work together as a coalition and work on a town meeting article." "I would <br /> recommend at least one Board member attend a coalition meeting." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The one thing that has never been clearly demonstrated here <br /> is that there is a lack of service or unmet needs." "If that were the case then perhaps a <br /> separate department should be created." <br /> 4.) Correspondence from Falmouth re: Bourne entering UCRTS - Mr. McQuaid <br /> relayed, "At the most recent meeting of the Board of Managers meeting for the Upper <br /> j Cape Regional Transfer Station Selectmen Roland Dupont from Bourne came in and <br /> indicated a strong interest in looking into Bourne joining the Upper Cape facility." "We <br /> have asked Bill Owen to provide the town of Bourne with the intermunicipal agreement <br /> and the stipulations that show how Bourne could enter." "They would be required to pay <br /> in their portion of the share for the construction of the facility and any modifications and <br /> improvements to it since it opened up." "Their first years tonnage is an estimate." "If the <br /> town of Bourne comes in they would be required to pay $290,000.00 just in capital <br /> expenses for their share of what it would have cost had they joined from the beginning." <br />
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