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MINUTES November 16, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Evans, "When you visited the site did you witness <br /> the system failing?" <br /> Mr. Evans responded, "No." "The installer stated the system was in failure." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "We will require Conservation Commission sign-off." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I would recommend the pumper sign a statement indicating <br /> what he observed." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to issue an emergency repair certification with the stipulation <br /> the pumping firm retained to pump out the leaching facility submit a statement indicating <br /> they found the leaching facility to be in failure, the owner shall sign the affidavit agreeing <br /> to no increase in habitable space and submit a statement indicating a financial hardship <br /> would be incurred if the Board were to require the installation of a denitrification syste*n; <br /> due to the uniqueness of this situation the Board has determined that said conditions shall <br /> be deemed sufficient in determining the system in failure as health agents were unable to <br /> witness the failure at the time,Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 24 POPPONESSET ISLAND ROAD <br /> Mr, John Slavinsky, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "We are requesting the Board approve our proposal to <br /> modify the existing septic system and install an "Ekofinn Bioclere" denitrification unit." <br /> "The initial leaching facility was installed with the primary and secondary leaching to be <br /> alternated with a bull run valve, each area providing 700 gallons per day leaching." "The <br /> system was designed for 5 bedrooms with an oversized 2,000 gallon septic tank." <br /> "Garage alterations are to add two bedrooms over the garage area, thus the total <br /> bedrooms on site would increase: to seven." "Seven bedrooms would require 770 gallons <br /> per day leaching." "Removing the bull run valve and install a distribution box with tee, <br /> using the existing leaching in total, provides 1,400 gallons per day, with provisions for <br /> additional reserve areas if needed in the future." <br /> W. Ball motioned to grant the installation of a "Ekofinn Bioclere" denitrification <br /> unit at 24 Popponesset Island Road, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 5.) High School Dis osal Construction Permit_Ayt_lication - Mr. Ball motioned to <br /> waive the septic permit fee and approve the installation of a S.B.R. treatment plant facility <br /> j`.: for the Mashpee High School, M•. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br />