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f . <br /> . = MINUTES November 16, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 4.) Proposed press release, Legal Service for Cape Cod and the Islands Inc. - Board <br /> members agreed to direct the agent to publicize the press release as submitted. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Ed Pesce- 175 Surf Drive <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Pesce has requested the Board continue this matter <br /> until the next regularly scheduled meeting date." <br /> Agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape& Islands- 28 Naushon Road <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "Mr. McNamara, lot owner, had a septic system installed in <br /> 1982." "Mr. McNamara bad the tank pumped during which effluent was found to be <br /> flowing back into the tank." "In my opinion, this is a serious failure." "The problem is the <br /> outlet of the tank is about 5.3' above groundwater." "In order for me to meet 'Title V <br /> requirements I have to install another flow diffuser." "!`here is only 67' fram the wetland <br /> area." "There is a private well 103' from the proposed leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "The flow would be away from the abutting well." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The owner should be required to sign the affidavit which <br /> restricts any increase in habitable space." "Our regulation deals with new construction." <br /> "This is a pre-existing situation." "There is a hardship issue which should be looked at <br /> and considered by the Board of Health." "In my opinion, the Board would not be amiss in <br /> granting the variance from the wetlands and from abutting well to on-site septic." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "If the financial status constitutes a hardship then let's <br /> have it on record." "I would recommend the owner submit his hardslup claim in writing to <br /> this Board." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "We do not have to declare it a failure as engineered <br /> plans have been submitted." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "The owner's will be returning to their home on November <br /> 15, 1995." <br />