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MINUTES January 8, 1998 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> i <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned, "How complicated is adding this to the betterment <br /> program?" <br /> Mr. Gottlieb responded, "It is a one time problem." "You have the betterment <br /> program setup." "There would be a notation to the tax bill adding in the additional money <br /> which is apportioned out over fifteen years in equal payments and that gets added to the <br /> quarterly tax bill." "Once that's loaded in it's done." "The way it would work would be <br /> you assign it out or the County would do it for you, you would certify the work was done, <br /> payment would be made and notice would go to the Assessor's to say add the determined <br /> amount to my property as a betterment." "Payments then go in to Anne." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Would we be required to see the applicant every time they <br /> came in or could the Health Agent just refer that person to Anne?" <br /> Mr. Gottlieb responded, "You can set that up however you choose." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Let's make an assumption that the County oversees this <br /> and that we use the interest on the loans to fund the administrative overhead, how <br /> stringent are you going to be on the accounting of that." <br /> Mr. Gottlieb responded, "All I care about is that the town of Mashpee make <br /> repayments to the Water Pollution Abatement Trust twice a year in the amount that's <br /> called for in the agreement." "The people can prepay their betterment." "We have some <br /> federal tax issues about reuse of repayments because when the town gets a repayment in <br /> it's windfall and Anne invests it and she gets a higher rate of return at the time than our <br /> bonds, we have an I.R.S. problem." "What the loan agreement will say is that you get <br /> prepayments, the treasurer would send that money back to us, we will then issue you a <br /> new loan agreement, you give that money back and we will reissue a new loan <br /> agreement." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Is there a limit on what the individual homeowner can spend <br /> on a leaching facility?" <br /> Mr. Gottlieb responded, "No." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "We can't force the applicant the comply with more stringent <br /> rules than Title V." <br /> Mr. Gottlieb stated, "The only limitation on the use of these funds is that if you use <br /> it to solve a water quality or public health problem." "If you have a local by-law that's <br />