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MINUTES January 8, 1998 6 BOARD OF HEATLH <br /> i <br /> i <br /> more stringent for nitrogen or sensitive areas like zone 1 and you're saying sorry you have <br /> to get that system out of there now, you could use it for that." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I would imagine the County would really embrace this <br /> because this would perpetuate the program." <br /> Mr. Gottlieb stated, "Town meeting must vote to incur a debt trust." "We have <br /> worked out a language for the towns." "The Board of Health would sponsor the article." <br /> 3.) Copy of letter from M. McGrath to D.E.P re: Denite. Systems (F.Y.L) - <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 4.) Emer enc failure certification, 521 Cotuit Road - Mr. Evans stated, "I inspected <br /> the site and found the leach pit full." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br /> 5.) Letter from L. Thomas re: 39 Popponesset Island Road <br /> Mr. Michael Borselli, P.E. was in attendance to request a variance from the Board. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This system required significant variances such as depth to <br /> groundwater." "The Board did request the engineer to approach the homeowner to at <br /> least consider an alternative leaching facility unless they could prove some sort of <br /> hardship." "The property owner has forwarded a letter to the Board requesting their <br /> reconsideration of an earlier vote." <br /> Mr. Borselli stated, "The homeowner is expressing a financial hardship." "We <br /> applied for relief from the 5' separation to groundwater to 4', and a local variance which <br /> requires 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil between the bottom of the leaching <br /> facility and groundwater." "The dwelling was constructed in the late 1960's well before <br /> the regulation was in place." "We cannot get 4' of permeable material between high <br /> groundwater and the bottom of the septic system." "It's not physically possible to meet <br /> that requirement." "If we do a strip-out, which is allowed by Title V, we will in effect get <br /> what we would have in other areas where nature placed out-wash soils." "The current <br /> system has failed and is in groundwater:" "We propose to replace the existing 1000 gallon <br /> tank with a 1500 gallon tank and install a whole new leaching facility." "We felt this <br /> system would be approved because we are upgrading the old system which is <br />