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MINUTES February 26, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 5.) Food Service Permit Application, "The Sweet Retreat" - Mr. Evans relayed, "This <br /> is a new food establishment located along Route 130." "I thought they would be ready <br /> for an inspection today however, they were not." "The owner of the building will be <br /> handling the water system." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a food establishment permit to Ms. Shari Tetrault <br /> d/b/a"The Sweet Retreat"with the stipulation the final inspection meets all State and local <br /> food service requirements, Mr_ Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 6.) Annual Solid Waste Re ort- Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The report was adequate <br /> however, there is a neglect in supplying the necessary daily 4" cover material on what's <br /> being landfilled." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 7.) Barbara Davis appeal 3/13/98- Mr. McQuaid stated, "I feel strongly that we need <br /> to appeal this case." "I think the Clerk Magistrate has virtually no clue what I was talking <br /> about." "I will contact George Heufelder and request he attend as an expert witness." <br /> 8.) H.H.W. contract set date - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Andrea Adams from the <br /> County Commission has awarded the bid for hazardous waste collection to "Laidlaw <br /> Environmental Services"." "We now need to set a date for the collection day_" <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "As last year's was held at the end of the summer and was <br /> very successful I would recommend the same for this year." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "A date of August 29, 1998 was mentioned however, <br /> that is very close to Labor Day." <br /> Mr. Bail directed the agent to decide on a date prior to Labor Day. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Norma Kumin/Nancy Caffyn - Human Services Committee <br /> Ms. Norma Kumin and Ms. Nancy Caffyn were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment_ <br /> Ms. Kumin stated, "We have been talking over the course of this year, regarding <br /> the possibility of taking these funds that are given to providers, using the providers but <br /> letting us have a separate place in Mashpee from which we could operate." "People in <br />