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MINUTES February 26, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> i <br /> Mashpee would have much greater access to the providers that we have and be able to <br /> avail themselves of services in a much more organized and intimate action." "Right now <br /> I <br /> those providers that we give to are very good providers." "They do see our people and <br /> we do know how many people they see but in lots of cases I think it's giving them the <br /> money for their coffer's and they would be serving our people anyway." "We would like <br /> to make Mashpee more of a place that people feel their needs are being met in the town." <br /> "We've met with the providers and we've gone to see ones that didn't come to us and <br /> everybody had great things to say about Mashpee." "They all feel that we have been very <br /> generous and they all say that Mashpee has a great many needs of the population, poverty <br /> needs, child care needs, abuse needs, violence needs, etc.." "While we were talking we <br /> were thinking over and over if we only find office space and then we looked at the funding <br /> for each provider and we thought that if we could cut down some funds from some of the <br /> groups and we only give to groups in terms of their impact." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Ms. Kumin, "Could you give us the names of the providers <br /> that you cut?" <br /> Ms. Caffyn responded, "We added a new provider "Fairwinds" and cut Sight Loss <br /> Services and part of the Legal Services budget"_" <br /> Ms. Kumin stated, "I went to the facility and spoke with them." "This is a day <br /> program for schizophrenics." "They provide on the job training_" "It is a transitional <br /> facility." <br /> i <br /> Ms. Caffyn stated, "We had space built into the new high school for a human <br /> service office." "It's not working out, they don't want us there." "I understand, if <br /> someone needs help you can't make them wait until after school." "So what we proposed <br /> is if we have a space we all felt, and we spoke with all the providers, and we said if we <br /> have a space will you come serve our people in our town." "And they said yes, if you <br /> have space we will come." "What we were proposing is coordinating an effort with the <br /> Cape Cod Neighboring Coalition." `Between the two towns they receive $100,000.00 a <br /> year in grant money." `Ve have a women in the coalition who has looked at space at the <br /> Summerfield Park." "rhe location has 1400 square feet and is about $1,100.00 a month." <br /> "We would like to coordinate our efforts to have a couple of offices that would be <br /> available to Falmouth and our residents and we would like our own coordinator because <br /> the Cape Cod Neighboring Coalition is restricted to only working with children to a <br /> certain age." "What we were hoping is, if we could coordinate it they have a fax. <br /> machine, a copy machine and all the other expensive equipment." "What we had hoped <br /> was that if we can get the $10,000.00 which would cover utilities, telephone, rent and <br /> supplies and the $30,000.00 would go towards a coordinator, not one fresh out of college <br />