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MINUMS February 26, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> but perhaps someone professional." "We would submit the $40,000.00 as a separate <br /> article at town meeting." "Yhe human services budget would remain level funded." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend we ask the Human Services Committee <br /> to draft an article to support the request to hire a person as a human service coordinator <br /> and to pay for rent and utilities." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Ms. Caffyn, "Has the Committee researched town buildings?" <br /> Ms. Caffyn responded, "Yes, there is not space available." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Ms. Caffyn, "If this all goes through, will the Board of Health <br /> be involved in hiring the coordinator?" <br /> Ms. Caffyn responded, "You certainly can be." "The coordinator would be <br /> required to coordinate services, helping people assist them to get services if they need it." <br /> "We would send out an R.F.P. and send them out to a lot of the human services people <br /> themselves." "We would probably bring the finalists to the Board for an interview." <br /> `Benefits would not be provided." "If we end the contract and it doesn't work out we <br /> only have a one year contract and if we're not happy with that particular service provider <br /> we will put it out to bid again." "What we are recommending is to level fund the current <br /> human services budget and submit a separate article for $40,000.00 to apply to the cost of <br /> operations." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to revised the Human Services budget request down to <br /> $75,635.00 over the $85,635.00 originally requested based on the Human Services <br /> Committee recommendation, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Board forward a memo to the <br /> Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee stating that the reduction of$10,000.00 <br /> from the Human Services budget is not to be construed as lesser services it is to save <br /> money in the hopes of establishing a human services coordinator and facility in Mashpee." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to forward the memo as recommended by Mr. McQuaid, Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 9_) Prelinuna subdivision-plan, John Drule - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is <br /> preliminary plan." "The applicant is proposing a six lot subdivision, town water will be <br /> available." "Septic systems should be placed towards the front of the lots for easier <br /> accessibility and m.d.c. roads drains on the road in case of oil or gasoline spills." <br />