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f <br /> MINUTES March 12, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Weston & Sampson and inform them we would like them to be more precise in their bi- <br /> monthly inspections_" "At that time it was the decision of the Board should violations <br /> occur then Weston & Sampson should contact us and Mr. DiMaggio." "A time frame <br /> would then be allotted in which Mr. DiMaggio was to correct the violations." "I would <br /> recommend the Board forward a letter to Weston& Sampson requesting they contact Mr. <br /> DiMaggio and request a time frame in which he will correct the situation." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "In my opinion, the Board should give Mr. DiMaggio a time <br /> frame in which to correct the situation." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned, "Who is the intermediary in regards to the landfill?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Weston& Sampson." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, `Then based on that Weston & Sampson should enforce <br /> compliance with the contract." "Then based on that Weston & Sampson should enforce <br /> compliance with the contract." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to instruct Weston & Sampson, acting as intermediary, to <br /> obtain definitive dates from Mr. DiMaggio as to when the deficiencies noted in the bi- <br /> monthly inspection report will be corrected, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 8.) Well permit, 10 Fern Gully Path - Mr. Doherty stepped down from this matter as <br /> he found it to be a conflict of interest. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "This is another incident where Michael DiMaggio has a well <br /> drilled without pulling a well permit." "At the time, from what I hear, Michael DiMaggio <br /> was in Florida and his father Joseph DiMaggio drilled the well and Michael was supposed <br /> to come in when he came back from Florida to pull the permit." "A builder came in with <br /> the water test results and we did not have a well permit issued for this property." "It's <br /> happened on numerous occasions in the past where Michael DiMaggio installed or <br /> repaired wells without pulling permits." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. McQuaid, "When you say this happened numerous <br /> occasions before was it prior to him submitting his well driller's license?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "This is the first incidence that we know of where he <br /> was licensed and did not pull a well permit." `The extenuating circumstances are that he <br /> was in Florida." "What we have is a water result from Aqua-Jet without him pulling a <br /> permit." "I didn't want to hold the builder up so we issued a septic permit and we <br />