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} <br /> MINUTES March 19, 1998 6 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> b. Budget U date <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Ms. Kunun met with the Finance Committee and Board of <br /> Selectmen." "They have received support for a $30,000.00 increase in the budget." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "I am concerned about a decline in services however, we <br /> won't know that until next year." <br /> c. B. Davis Judgment <br /> I <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Water District did not show up for the appeal." "The <br /> case was dismissed against the Town of Mashpee, Board of Health and the finding was <br /> against the Water District 2 1/2 times what they would have paid initially." <br /> I <br /> Denitrification Regulation <br /> j Mr. Stephanie Jones, representing the Mashpee Environmental Coalition, <br /> submitted a letter to the Board requesting a time frame in which the draft regulation will <br /> be presented for public continent." <br /> Acknowledged. <br />! <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> 26 Spoondrift Wav <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "On February 27t` I sent a letter to Michael Grotske <br /> regarding his plans at 26 Spoondrift Circle." "The Board had reviewed the plans on the <br /> 2e of February and the Board requested that Mr. Grotske schedule a perk test in the area <br /> of the proposed leaching facility and that he indicate a reserve area on the plans." "Today, <br /> Mr. Grotske submitted a letter stating, "The area proposed on the lot is a natural upland <br /> area and we expect no adverse soil conditions. We would like to ask for your <br /> consideration in confirming the percolation rate and properties of the soil at the time the <br /> septic system leach area is installed"." "I would recommend we witness a perk test in the <br /> area of the proposed leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Crain motioned to deny the request for an agent of this Board to witness soils <br /> at time of installation, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br />