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MINUTES April 9, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "If the caterer is making money the fees won't be waived <br /> however, if it's volunteers fees will be waived." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "This matter will be closed until such time as we receive a request <br /> for food service permits." <br /> 5.) Request for Transfer Station Sticker, J. Eldridge&M. Hanley_ <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, `Both of these people are condominium owners who would <br /> like to use the transfer station to dispose of larger items from their homes." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The Board of Health does not have a policy or regulation <br /> that prohibits condominium owners from obtaining a transfer station sticker." "The Town <br /> Clerk does not have the authority to make decisions such as her office is making." "I <br /> would recommend we allow condominium owners to purchase residential transfer station <br /> stickers even though dumpsters are provided at their condominium complexes." "They <br /> may occasionally have items such as mattresses, bulky furniture, etc. that is not allowed in <br /> their dumpsters." "They should be allowed to bring that to the landfill keeping in mind <br /> bulky items won't be allowed in the landfill after July I"." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to issue transfer station stickers to W. J. Eldridge and Mr. <br /> Hanley, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> Mr. Ball directed the agent to notify both residents that commercial debris will no <br /> longer be excepted after July 1, 1998, <br /> 6.) Variance request_ 22 Manitoba Road - W. McQuaid stated, "Due to lot <br /> constraints the applicant is requesting a 42' local variance from the proposed on-site <br /> leaching facility to abutting well (#26 Manitoba Road)." <br /> W. Doherty motioned the variance as stated by Mr. McQuaid, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 7.) Emergency failure certification 136 Timberlane Drive - Mr. McQuaid stated, "I <br /> inspected the site and found both cesspools full." "A d-box and 2 dry wells will be <br /> installed." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification"forms. <br />