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MINUTES April 9, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Scipione stated, "That was the intent." "The intent was to have a test pit <br /> program." "The State's concern, going into the bid process, is if you go into the award <br /> process and you get 3/4 through construction and you find there is more area to be capped <br /> and you're ready to finish it then what happens, and that's their concern." "They want <br /> you to do more test pits to make sure you have a better handle on what you might get for <br /> final costs." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Can you incorporate that into your billing process after we <br /> have borrowed the necessary immediate funds for the start of construction?" <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "Yes." <br /> Proposed Regulation - Moratorium on Ground Water Wells <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "D.E.P. is requiring the Board of Health adopt a regulation <br /> which prohibits any wells whether drinking, agricultural use, washing vehicles pool filling <br /> etc. because there are private wells down gradient of the landfill that residents in areas of <br /> concern have connected to town water but may be using their private wells to water their <br /> grass." "D.E.P. wants us to show that we've made an effort to discourage that." "I have <br /> prepared a regulation for the Board to adopt this evening." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to adopt the regulation as drafted by Mr. McQuaid, Mr. <br /> Ball seconded. <br /> 3.) Tanning ReMulation/set fee - Mr. Evans relayed, "Gold's Gym now has tanning <br /> booths setup inside their facility." "This is.the first tanning facility in Mashpee." "The <br /> Board needs to set the fee and adopt the State regulation." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to adopt the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, <br /> 105 CMR 123.000 and to establish a fee of$50.00 per tanning facility up to four units, a <br /> fee of$10.00 shall be charged for each additional unit, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 4.) Request for fee waiver, Mashpee Night at the Pops - Mr. McQuaid stated, "The <br /> Selectmen voted to waive the fees for this event however, they cannot waive the Board of <br /> Health fees." <br /> Mr. Evans commented, "We have not received any applications for food stands as <br /> of yet ." <br />