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M NUTES April 9, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Scipione stated, `Bids and specifications will be made available at both the <br /> Board of Health and Weston & Sampson offices." "We will collect the deposits and <br /> handle all the paper work on it however, bids will be opened at the Board of Health <br /> office." `Tor the last ten years we have been using an approximate cost of about <br /> $100,000.00 an acre for the closure costs for landfills." "We expect that you will award <br /> and give notice to proceed with construction the middle of June and complete the capping, <br /> the actual liner piece of the capping will be done by August, and loaming and seeding by <br /> early October." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "We need to meet with Anne Shaw to determine how much <br /> needs to be borrowed and at which time and depending on how long that takes all of these <br /> costs that we will incur through Weston & Sampson may have to be somehow rolled over <br /> to the next fiscal year_" <br /> Mr. Scipione stated, "Usually, a lot of times we'll go to a short term borrower <br /> during the construction period and then once the construction is completed they will roll it <br /> over to a long term bond and pay-off the short term notes." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Do we have to accept the low bidder?" <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "You have to accept the low qualified bidder." "They <br /> have in their requirements that he indicate where he has done this type of work before." <br /> "If you get somebody who doesn't have the experience to do that than we may <br /> recommend against the low bidder." <br /> Mr. Alcott explained to Board members the landfill closure process. <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned, "Does it make any sense to consider the request we <br /> have had for mining the waste or to consider rerouting all the gas vents and doing <br /> something with the methane gas?" <br /> Mr. Scipione responded, "No, landfills of about 30 acres or so with a 30' thickness <br /> may have some potential for landfill gas." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "There is another estimated cost of between $800.00 and <br /> $2600.00 for these additional test pits that weren't included in our current budget." "Can <br /> we include this in our closure costs?" <br />