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M NUTES May 21, 1998 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> *****DISCUSSION***** <br /> 1998 Annual Pow-Wow <br /> Mr, Evans relayed, "I attended the Tribal Council Pow-Wow Committee meeting <br /> last night to inform members of our requirements." "They were unsure of the exact <br /> number of food stands." "They will provide that number at a later date." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 1998 "Taste of Mashpee" <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The non-profit event will be held on June 7, 1998." "I am <br /> currently waiting for submittal of their applications." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> Complaint - 34/35 Jackbon_Road <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "There is a complaint against me by a individual who I've had <br /> dealings with." "This has to do with a housing inspection." "The primary problem was <br /> the smoke detector's as they were found to be inoperable." "Ms. Wolff has managed to <br /> alienate every department in this town." "The landlord has been trying to evict her but it <br /> has been a long battle." "Ms. Wolff has managed to create problems for everyone." "I <br /> spoke with the owner this morning and recommended he obtain a court order to repair the <br /> smoke detector's because that is the only violation left." "The problem has been that Ms. <br /> Wolff will not allow the electrician access to the smoke detector's." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Board contact Town Counsel for <br /> an opinion as the tenant is slandering Mr. Evans and insinuating he is not performing his <br /> job." "Perhaps he should forward a memo to the Executive Secretary informing him of <br /> the situation and will keep him abreast of the situation." <br /> Board members recommended Mr. Evans forward a memo to the Executive <br /> Secretary informing him of the situation. <br /> i <br />