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MINUTES May 28, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Parolski stated, `What you do causes a lot of hate and discontent between the <br /> town, ponce and its citizens." "You're supposed to be working with them." "The town <br /> should give the taxpayers at least the benefit of doubt on the first caught." <br /> Mr_ McQuaid stated, "Mr. Parolski was quite agitated when he called me." "He <br /> told me I should have a different approach to this illegal dumping situation in Mashpee." <br /> "Unfortunately, although the Conservation Commission, D.P.W. and Police have the <br /> authority to issue the same citation I have the complaints come to the Board of Health." <br /> "I have taken it upon myself to investigate them." "Only one out of ten illegal dumping <br /> situations can I trace to an individual because there were names and documents found at <br /> the illegal dump site." "I don't think that I want to change my policy unless the Board <br /> feels differently." "Calling his father is not going to deter his son from doing it again." <br /> "Giving a phone call to clean it up is not going to solve the problem of illegal dumping in <br /> town." "Secondly, the addresses on both of these documents from Parolski and Koblinsky <br /> were Waquoit post office boxes." "I deal stricter with out of town residents dumping in <br /> Mashpee then I do with Mashpee residents dumping in town." "Would the Board, in lieu <br /> of the fine, asking Mr. Parolski's son to clean up two other small dump sites which would <br /> total about half a days work." <br /> Mr. Parolski commented, "I have a little problem with the town disciplining my <br /> son." "That just doesn't sit that well with me." "I would like some time to think about <br /> this." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to continue this matter pending the health agents discussion <br /> with Mr. Parolski in regards to his son cleaning up the two other dump sites, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Stetson Hall - Septic Repair Program <br /> Mr. Stetson Hall and Mr. Kendall Ayres were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Hall relayed, "The contract requires the Chairman's signature." "The program <br /> is pretty much the same as the last time." <br /> Mr. Ayres commented, "There is $200,000.00 of available money." "The residents <br /> have up to twenty years to repay the loan." "A revolving account must be established." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Mr. Ayres should meet with the Town Accountant and <br /> Town Treasurer." <br />