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MINUTES May 28, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 2.) Mr. Cram motioned to accept the minutes of May 7, 1998, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 3.) Request for Massage License Lauralee Kell - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The <br /> applicant is requesting the Board waive the exam. requirement as she is currently certified <br /> in several different counties in the state of Florida." "Florida's exam. protocol is very <br /> strict." "Ms. Kelly's employment will be at Willowbend." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to waive the exam. requirement for Lauralee Kelly, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded. <br /> 4.) Landfill Closure Bid Specs. - Mr. McQuaid provided copies to Board members <br /> for their review. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Letter from Stephanie Jones (Mash pee Env. Coalition re: Rec clin <br /> Mr. Cram informed Ms. Jones, "Some of the town's have curbside recycling <br /> pickup which increases their statistics when reporting to the State." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "If you read the facts and tonnage that we submitted for this <br /> past calendar year we are tremendously higher than last year." "You can't always believe <br /> what you read in the paper." "We maintained a "C" average." "Falmouth is spending <br /> more then double what it would cost to just incinerate the stuff." "We are trying diligently <br /> to increase our recycling efforts." <br /> Compost Screening <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I have received complaints regarding the length of time it is <br /> taking to screen the compost." <br /> Mr_ McQuaid will follow-up on the matter. <br /> ToppingiWofff corn laint <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I received a call from Howard Wensley from the D.P.H_ in <br /> Boston." "He had concerns with the inspection and reporting procedure." "He did relay <br /> there will be a letter coming down from the D_P.H. to the Board." "The owner did drop <br /> by the office today and inform us a health agent will be subpoenaed to appear in court on <br /> June 4, 1998." <br />