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f + <br /> MINUTES June 11, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "That may or may not be necessary this year but it may." <br /> "Mr. Evans was recently in the hospital." "He does the pre-inspection and I do one while <br /> their operating and then we need to go through it again on Sunday." "If necessary we <br /> might need to request help from Barnstable County." <br /> Mr. Pocknett stated, "We may not have nineteen stands however, if we do need <br /> interns to come in to help we will pay for that help." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant 19 temporary food stand permits for the 1998 <br /> "Annual Paw-Wow" to be held July 3,4 & 5, 1998 with the stipulation all temporary food <br /> stand requirements are met, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 3.) Request for Massage License, Dana Fonte - Mr. Cram stated, `Based on copies of <br /> Mr. Fonte's certifications submitted to this Board I motion to grant a Massage Therapist <br /> License to Mr. Dana Fonte, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> 4.) Application for Tempoga Food Stand'Willowbend Pro-Am- Mr. Evans relayed, <br /> "Mr. John Foye is the owner of the food stand." "This is the same company used last year <br /> by Willowbend." "I would recommend approval." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a temporary food stand permit for the Willowbend <br /> Pro-Am on June 29, 1998 to Mr. John Foye d/b/a "The Educated Pallet", Mr. Doherty <br /> seconded. <br /> 5.) Bi-monthly transfer station/landfill inspection - Mr. Cram questioned, "Has Mr. <br /> DiMaggio responded to the deficiencies noted in the inspection report?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Not to my knowledge." <br /> Mr. Crate stated, "I motion to direct the health agent to forward a letter to the Mr. <br /> DiMaggio requesting he respond in writing to this Board as to how he intends to address <br /> the deficiencies noted, specifically items 17 and 19, in the inspection report prepared by <br /> Weston and Sampson dated April 15, 1998, Mr. Doherty seconded. <br /> b.) Final landfill closure approval, D.E.P. - Mr. McQuaid stated, "The town <br /> accountant can now start borrowing funds for the closure process." "Until we had final <br /> approval from the D.E.P. the town could not borrow the appropriated funds for the <br /> closure plan." "On another issue, Weston & Sampson are still working on trying to <br /> receive the $350,000.00 grant that was promised to us two years ago by D.E.P.." "Due <br />