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i <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> I <br /> MENUTES June 18, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the engineer forward another letter to <br /> D.E.P. stating that although the proposed design is for three bedrooms it is an existing <br /> two bedroom cottage with no laundry facilities and no garbage disposal and that the <br /> owner is willing to sign an affidavit that should she sell the house it would be limited to <br /> two bedrooms unless the new owner receives D_E.P. approval or a new Title V system." <br /> "In the interim we would support the tight tank." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to continue this matter pending Mr. Silva's petition in writing <br /> to the D.E.P. requesting they reconsider and approve the installation of a tight tank in lieu <br /> of a Title V system, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 3.) Request for pem-lit extension New Seabu - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I would <br /> recommend the Board limit the extension to thirty days." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 30 extension from the date of expiration, Mr. <br /> Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 4.) Selectmen Liaison - Acknowledged. <br /> i <br /> 5.) Copy of letter to K. Wolfe from D.P_H. - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Evans and I <br /> would like to close this matter." "Ms. Wolfe is in the process of being evicted." "Mr. <br /> Evans was told by Ms. Wolfe not to take one step onto her property." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to close the complaint filed by Ms. Kire Wolfe, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> 6.) Health risk assessment - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Jim Snyder is requesting to <br /> meet with the Board." <br /> Board members directed Mr. McQuaid to invite Mr. Snyder to an upcoming Board <br /> meeting_ <br /> 7.) ' Variance request - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is a tight lot with an existing home <br /> on it." "The applicant is proposing an addition." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "Why are there two lines delineated on plans that lead <br /> from the house to the septic tank?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded that we was unsure. <br />