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MINUTES June 18, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I recently spoke with Brett Row from the D.E.P. and <br /> Brian Dudley who is now in charge of the Cape Cod area discharge permits and explained <br /> it was a one bedroom little cottage owned by one elderly lady who only comes down here <br /> two months a year and is willing to pay for pumping of the tight tank as necessary." "I <br /> then asked if the D.E.P. would reconsider their motion to deny the tight tank." "Mr. <br /> Rowe informed me that in this instance where I described it more fully he said if it were up <br /> to him he would leave it up to the.local Board of Health but it is Brian Dudley who now <br /> controls the discharge permits and variances on the Cape." "Mr. Dudley contacted me <br /> today and relayed that since a Title V system could be put in outside of the 50' buffer to <br /> the wetlands he would require a Title V system." "I explained the circumstances but he <br /> said no, I cannot vary on the requirements of Title V." "I questioned what the recourse <br /> was for the applicant and he responded that the applicant should take D.E.P. to court." <br /> "A tight tank is more environmentally conscious then putting in a leaching field 50' from <br /> the river." "As it stands right now the D.E.P. will not allow a tight tank." "The Board <br /> either has to approve this Title V system or suggest to the applicant that they go through <br /> the legal process to appeal D.E.P.'s decision." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Obviously, there is not a clean cut solution where <br /> everyone is going to be happy." `Trom my position a denitrification unit is an acceptable <br /> compromise on both the part of the D.E.P. and the applicant." "I will not vote favorably <br /> on the plan as submitted." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "If the Board wants to go that route then let's have the <br /> engineer design a system that is a standard Title V and then only when and if it becomes a <br /> 3 bedroom dwelling we require the installation of a denitrification unit." "This is a failed <br /> system." <br /> j Mr. Doherty stated, "The applicant has never claimed a hardship." <br /> i <br /> Attorney Oppenheim stated, "Mr. Baker, who is now deceased, build the home <br /> after World War II with left over material from the base including the septic system." <br /> "The system over time has been used very infrequently." "I know the Board has to <br /> consider its potential use but it is a very small cottage." "The State actually came down <br /> and viewed the lot." "The Conservation Agent wrote a very strong letter in support of the <br /> tank." "We do want to get a system in there so that we are not in violation of Title V." <br /> j <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "What I am afraid of is that eventually the property will be sold <br /> and the occupants will make it bigger." "I would like to see a denitrification unit." <br />