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MINUTES June 18, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> i <br /> I <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I don't think the ratio is going to be significant enough to <br /> affect the compost." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the Popponesset Beach Association permission to <br /> dispose of seaweed in the composting operation at the Landfill/Transfer Station, Mr. Ball <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Steve Silva(Holmes and McGrath) - 42 Great River Road <br /> Mr. Steve Silva and Attorney Geoffrey Oppenheim were in attendance for this <br /> scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Silva stated, "As you recall, the owner's of this property have a failed cesspool <br /> very close to the water." "We tried to repair the system with a Title V system and decided <br /> that it wasn't going to fit." "We decided that a tight tank would be the best solution given <br /> this location." "This Board approved the tight tank." "We went to the Conservation <br /> Commission and received their approval." "The tight tank was denied at the State level." <br /> "We've come up with our best shot at a Title V system." "It's a single trench and sits <br /> right on the sideline." "We looked into a denitrification unit however, there's just not <br /> enough space to put one in there." "We've been to the Conservation Commission with <br /> this plan and they were reluctant to do anything until we came and spoke with you." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "This Board has not approved anything below 100' unless <br /> there was a denitrification unit installed along with the Title V system." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "You're not offering any kind of additional protection or <br /> additional treatment." "Great River is highly populated." "I understand it is an existing <br /> house but the technology is there and I think you could probably be creative and find the <br /> room." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Mr. Silva, "Is this a seasonal home?" <br /> Mr. Silva responded, "Yes." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "This being the case a denitrification unit, in my opinion, is not <br /> the way to go because it takes a certain amount of flow in order for the denitrification unit <br /> to function properly." "Is D.E.P. going to dictate what we're going to do here?" <br />