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MINUTES June 25, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Gordon commented, "I own three lots in the industrial park." "I have <br /> researched the water use." "We use 137 gallons per day." "The system was designed for <br /> 1200 gallons per day." "Residential requirements are between 50 and 70,000 gallons per <br /> day." "The Board should include residential properties as they are a bigger user than <br /> commercial properties." "We should wart until the technology is perfected." "I am very <br /> concerned with the cost of innovative systems." "Residential and commercial have been <br /> excluded." "We shouldn't be subjected to regulations unless they apply to all uses." <br /> Ms. Caine relayed, "I am concerned with Mr. McQuaid's comment that 5 m.g.l.'s <br /> can't be achieved." "The "99" restaurant and "Cooke's" restaurant has." "Stratford <br /> Ponds is between 1 and 3 m.g.l.'s." "The technology is there." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "This regulations is targeting smaller businesses." <br /> j "Some denitrification systems work well others don't." <br /> Mr. Bowman stated, "At our last meeting of the Mashpee Environmental Coalition <br /> we discussed how nitrates are increasing and degrading our waters." "We must start <br /> somewhere." <br /> j Mr. O'Neil commented, "Six years ago we constructed an addition to our home <br /> with the stipulation we upgrade our leaching facility to meet Title V requirements." "Five <br /> years ago I last one kidney to cancer." "One theory is that pollution is the cause." "We <br /> should address industrial, commercial and residential properties." <br /> Mr. Gordon commented, "The Board should divide commercial and industrial into <br /> two separate categories." "Commercial usage is much higher than industrial." "Industrial <br /> systems are comparable to residential." <br /> Mr. Baker relayed, "There should be some number where you set a limit for <br /> gallons per day." "Once you exceed that number a denitrification system would be <br /> required." <br /> Ms. Caine commented, "It's not that I'm against commercial property it's just that <br /> the water sheds are stressed." <br /> Mr. Duschman stated, "Why start with commercial businesses." "The regulation <br /> needs more work." <br /> Mr. Pesce stated, "I am a consulting environmental engineer." "There has been <br /> progress however, 5 p.p.m. of effluent is going to be hard to achieve." "I would <br />