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MINUTES June 25, 1998 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> recommend 10 m.g.l.'s." "Not to many companies with experience can achieve this." "I <br /> would recommend consulting with Barnstable County and the D.E.P.." <br /> Mr_ Babcock commented, "I would recommend a sewer system to control the <br /> discharge." <br /> Mr. Myerito stated, "Odors from the River are terrible." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "Residential properties really are the problem." "There <br /> was a facility plan for a treatment plant but it was cost prohibitive." "We just want to <br /> close the holes in commercial systems because there are no local regulations on the <br /> books." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We will review the gallons again and discuss industrial <br /> properties." <br /> Ms. Jones commented, "The gallons per day limit is an acceptable idea." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "There are many complexes, even condominium's in town <br /> which exceed 1000 gallons per day." <br /> Mr. Costa stated, "What we really need in town is a treatment facility." <br /> At this time - Mr. Cram requested a show of hands for those who were favorable to a <br /> denitrification system regulation for commercial, residential and industrial areas. The vote <br /> was unanimous." <br /> Mr. Cram also requested a show of hands for those who were favorable to <br /> adopting a limit to the number of gallons per day before a denitrification unit would be <br /> required. The vote was unanimous. <br /> Being no further business Mr. Ball motioned to adjourn the public meeting at 9:01 p.m., <br /> Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Veronica Mayer, Adm. Asst. <br />