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MINUTES July 161998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> big mistake is that everybody thinks town water will solve everything but look at <br /> everything you're dumping into the ground, where's it going?" "Town wells." <br /> Mr. Fudala relayed, "The Sewer Commission is going to need funding to <br /> implement any plans." <br /> Board members agreed to wait for an updated version from the Sewer Commission <br /> prior to introducing any new regulations. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Dr. Segal - Pool Regulations <br /> Dr. Segal was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Dr. Segal stated, "I am on the Board of Trustees at the Stratford Pond <br /> Condominium complex." "Several weeks ago the Department of Public Health forwarded <br /> to our Board a copy of a new regulation which now requires us to employ a certified pool <br /> operator." "I automatically assumed that the gentlemen that has been servicing our pool <br /> for 4 years would automatically be certified to do that and we wouldn't have any <br /> problems." "After inquiring to Mr. Souza and discussing this situation with him he said he <br /> would not take the course, he doesn't have to as he has 107 accounts of which 105 are <br /> private pools." "What I thought I would do is apply for a variance from this particular <br /> situation." "I called Mr. Cahir's office who suggested I submit in writing to the Board of <br /> Health our variance request." "Our pool is really pristine." "We follow all of the <br /> directives." "Mr. Souza is there every week sometimes twice a week." "We monitor it <br /> twice daily seven times a week_" "Our log book is available to you at any time." "I would <br /> really appreciate if you would take the variance under consideration." "In my opinion, I <br /> think this regulation is more applicable to a hotel/motel as they get a lot more transient <br /> people coming in and a lot more people who are exposed to the pool then people who are <br /> exposed to the pool in our particular situation." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I concur with Dr. Segal, his pool is immaculate however, <br /> according to Howard Wensley who is the chief sanitarian for the Department of Public <br /> Health it was his opinion that the Board does have the authority to grant the variance from <br /> this requirement but only based on manifest injustice which has to be presented by the <br /> applicant for the variance." "Manifest injustice would be financial hardship or the fact that <br /> the pool was pre-existing for a number of years before this law came into effect which <br /> doesn't seem to apply here." "Mr. Wensley commented that in the long term Stratford <br /> Ponds Association may benefit from having someone on their staff take the course because <br /> the course teaches specifics such as types and amounts of chemicals used." <br />