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07/16/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/16/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES July 16, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to adopt the following fee schedule for disposal of bulky waste <br /> at the Transfer Station beginning August 1, 1998: Air conditioners, refrigerators, couches, <br /> mattresses, box springs, upholstered furniture $5.00, all other items $2.00, items larger <br /> than 30 gallon trash barrel or weighing more than 20 lbs., singularly or grouped $2.00, <br /> propane tanks (empty) $5.00 more than 30 lbs. $2.00, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Cram directed the agent to contact the proper representatives in Bourne to <br /> initiate a contract for the bulky waste. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Sewer Connection Regulations <br /> Mr. Thomas Fudala and Mr. John Cahalane were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated, "We're working towards a potential solution regarding the <br /> disposal of sewage effluent that would be generated by new construction at Mashpee <br /> Commons and Dick and Ellie's Flea Market." "We are asking this Board for support in <br /> trying to implement that solution." "A Major concern for the town, concerns potential <br /> impacts from the addition of any further nitrogen to the already overloaded Mashpee <br /> River." "Town officials and the developers of the proposed projects have been <br /> collaborating on a plan that would discharge treated effluent from the developments, along <br /> with effluent from existing septic systems outside of the Mashpee River watershed area." <br /> "We are trying to find an effluent discharge area that is closer to the Mashpee Commons <br /> area but yet still out of the Mashpee River watershed recharge area." "We're thinking <br /> now about taking it down to the back side of the industrial park which would essentially <br /> get it where it's not going into the Mashpee River however, such a location may fall <br /> within the recharge area of some other water body like the Mashpee Water District's Rock <br /> Landing well." "The Board of Health could support this plan by way of supplying a <br /> regulatory inducement or encouragement for owners of existing private septic systems to <br /> tie into the proposed pipeline within a period of years." "The issue is whether we can <br /> require people to tie into this sewage system." "Mr. Mezzacappa from the D.E.P. has told <br /> the engineers for the Mashpee Commons development team that the town Board of Health <br /> has the authority to adopt a bylaw requiring connection to a public sewer system <br /> regardless of the status of a private system, if connection to the public system would be <br /> beneficial to the town as a whole_" "Engineers for SHA have previously stated that for <br /> every gallon of untreated wastewater that is shifted into a treatment system, an additional <br /> six gallons of treated effluent would not exceed the present nitrogen loading." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "The focus for solving water problems should rest on <br /> resolving wastewater issues rather than reliance on the town drinking water supply." "The <br />
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