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MINUTES July 23, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> that Mr. Dominie was there at the time and Mr. Cram apparently knows him from the <br /> recycling center." "Neither Mr. Cram nor I thought there were any mental deficiencies <br /> with Mr. Dominie, not that we're qualified to do that." "He did inform me he what he <br /> intends on doing with the debris." "My comment to Mr. Cram is that we as the Board of <br /> Health deal with pubic health issues, we cannot order a person to live his life in any <br /> particular way other then what he chooses unless we get a complaint from neighbors." <br /> "We have had no complaints from any abutting neighbors on this property." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "The only thing that comes to mind is how much do you <br /> intrude on someone's private life?" "If he is stockpiling materials outside that could <br /> become an issue." "If he is stockpiling materials inside, well, that doesn't affect anyone <br /> else." "It may be a safety issue which the fire department might be interested in." `There <br /> is a side issue here, if he is taking the stuff that is being brought into the landfill for <br /> recycling and taking it home for his own profit that's not acceptable but if he is picking it <br /> up on the side of the road then that is allowed." "If the recyclables are not clean they <br /> could attract flies and possibly rodents which would be issue but not an earth breaking <br /> issue unless we can show it's detrimental to someone's health other than his own." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "What I witnessed seeing on the site were all returnables, items <br /> that had a deposit value." "When we left there he was going through them." `Based on <br /> my knowledge on what we've seen we really don't have a leg to stand on as far as taking <br /> corrective action." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "There is a state sanitary code which deals with minimum <br /> human habitation standards that is primarily directed to tenants if they feel that the <br /> landlord has violated certain conditions of the code." "On private property this doesn't <br /> apply." "The only way we could use any remediation is if a direct neighbor complains that <br /> because of what was going on, on their neighbor's lot, they were being damaged." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Herbst questioned, "Are there adequate bathroom facilities in there that meet <br /> the codes of the health department of this town." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "Even if Mr. Dominie had the water shut-off it wouldn't <br /> j affect anyone but himself other than there would be a buildup of waste material and then <br /> some odor which would be something to work on." "In the absence of that we can't just <br /> make him spruce up his house." <br /> Mr. Herbst questioned, "It has to meet the code doesn't it?" <br />