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07/23/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/23/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES July 23, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> all of which I believe he brings from work because he is a part-time employee at the <br /> landfill." "As he goes back and forth to work his car is totally filled with these items and <br /> his dog." "My question is, as this is a concern of public health, how can you know that <br /> these containers are clean, that they still don't contain some beverages of sorts that would <br /> draw ants and rodents." "If the house is condemned are there adequate bathroom facilities <br /> in there or is this person using a unapproved bathroom facility on this property?" "Are <br /> there rodents in the neighborhood that are a result of the trash that's on the property and <br /> inside the house?" "Mr. McQuaid has indicated that illegal dumping can occur not only in <br /> i <br /> your house but on your property." "I cannot envision anything other than the fact that his <br /> home and his property is a site for illegal dumping." "In Falmouth, the rule is that trash <br /> must be in bags." "I do not think that is the law here in Mashpee but I am not sure_" <br /> "Finally, is the home, because it is condemned, because I have no idea how the home is <br /> heated, is it a fire hazard which would be a safety issue to not only Mr. Dominie but to <br /> others adjacent to his property." "Is there adequate heating in the home?" "I don't think <br /> there is, I think that he uses the heat from the light bulb and his dog to survive in the <br /> winter." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Mr. Herbst informed me of this situation at least six months <br /> ago and another situation he was concerned with, with some barrels that were up the <br /> street." "I was able to get the barrels tested for contamination and the D.P.W. removed <br /> those barrels." "Mr. Herbst is obviously an environmentally conscious person and is also <br /> conscious of the well being of his fellow neighbors." "When I first heard about this and <br /> discovered through the Animal Control Officer that Mr. Dominie was living there with a <br /> dog, I learned that he does work for Mr. DiMaggio part-time at the recycling center." "I <br /> spoke with Mr. DiMaggio and we met out at the site." "Mr. DiMaggio agreed to speak <br /> with Mr. Dominie who agreed to remove the two abandoned vehicles there and to begin <br /> cleaning up the area." "Mr. Herbst called back repeatedly and I informed him, after <br /> numerous site inspections, that the area was improving." "Prior to this I went out with the <br /> building inspector and we agreed to post a sign condemning it." "Condemning a building <br /> which is owner owed not tenant occupied really serves very little strength behind that." <br /> "By condemning the building we can force the person to be evicted." "I don't know what <br /> purpose that serves." "After additional calls from Mr. Herbst, I went a little further and <br /> contacted Lynn Waterman our outreach coordinator for the Council on Aging to help me <br /> out on this, primarily because Mr. Herbst felt he should be referred for some psychiatric <br /> therapy." "Ms. Waterman was adamant that she doesn't think there is anything wrong <br /> with Mr. Dominie in fact, he serves as a volunteer drive for the "Meals on Wheels"_" "If <br /> she thought there was some incapacity on his part I don't think she would use him as a <br /> meals on wheels driver." "This went on and on to the point where I didn't know how to <br /> satisfy Mr. Herbst so I called on Mr. Cram to visit the site with me." "It just happened <br />
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