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MINUTES July 30, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Attorney Snow stated, "I think Mr. Eynatian is concerned about his drinking <br /> water." "I see in this letter that the Phoenix Group has offered to hook him up to the <br /> Mashpee Water District." "I think he has a right as a landowner to choose between an <br /> option of town water and well water." "We won't debate the quality of town water in <br /> Mashpee_" "I know in my office we have special chemicals in the toilets and what have <br /> you." "I think there is more of a story here." "Originally, when this property was <br /> purchased from New Seabury, he was given some assurances by Burden that the property <br /> wouldn't be developed." "I think this property was property that Burden has no intent to <br /> develop and it pretty much sat there as unbuildable lots." "I think it has now be <br /> subdivided and the back taxes paid and the real issues here is what we can get the <br /> Eynatian's here to do to allow an icon company to come in here and make a buck" "For <br /> these people to come and say we'll hook you up to water and your problem is solved runs <br /> contrary to his ownership rights of the property." "He should be able to come to the <br /> Board and say there is a regulation on the books, it's here to protect well water." "No, I <br /> don't want town water and I think he's going to look to you people to say in fact, that's <br /> our regulation and we're here to enforce it." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I think you absolutely right but on the other hand if the <br /> quality of his well water was solely the issue and he's so concerned he wouldn't be <br /> secretive about the location." "He's asking for help and yet he's being very difficult to <br /> deal with." "I don't appreciate it." "I don't appreciate anybody saying - well no, I not <br /> going to tell you where my well is solely to hold up somebody else's project." "I didn't <br /> like the idea of the two lots being subdivided into three but that wasn't my call that was up <br /> to the land court." "As far as making a buck goes, that's the American way, that's what <br /> everything in this country was built upon be it right, be it wrong, so long as it is legal. <br /> "It's not our job to debate whether New Seabury or the new owner has a right to make a <br /> buck on the property." "I take offense to your client not revealing the location of the <br /> well." "I don't play that game at all." <br /> Attorney Snow stated, "I didn't realize that was an issue here before you tonight." <br /> I <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "If he wants us to protect him that's fine." "In order to do <br /> that we need to know the location of the well to make sure that they don't propose a <br /> septic system within 150' of it." "At that point they can apply for a variance." "He's even <br /> unwilling to give this information so they have to start guessing." "We don't make <br /> decisions based on guesses." "All his action is doing is delaying the project." "If they <br /> want to file a complaint that he is being a nuisance, that's he's being uncooperative good <br /> luck to them because that's all he is being right now." <br />