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08/20/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/20/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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I <br /> NIINUTES August 20, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> Mr. Lerman stated, "I will research the various denitrification units." <br /> APPOINTMENT: BSS Design- Aunt Jane's Road <br /> i <br /> Mr. Michael Grotske, Attorney Jeffrey Oppenheim, Mr. Torn Bunker, representing <br /> the engineering firm of BSS Design and Mr. Gary Eynatian, abutter, were in attendance <br /> for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Bunker stated, "The well could be anywhere on the lot." "It would take a <br /> 100' setback from all the lot lines." `Basically there are four lots we're concerned with." <br /> `We have revised the septic systems for B and C slightly to keep them out of the 150' <br /> setback from Mr. Eynatian's lot line." "Lots I, J, K and L all require variances from Mr. <br /> Eynatian's lot line." "Lot I will require a 10' variance from the lot line setback, the <br /> primary area is outside of the 150', the reserve area is within the 150'." " <br /> Mr. Cram questioned, "Do we have any information indicating where the well is on <br /> Mr. Eynatian's lot?" <br /> Mr. Bunker responded, "No." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I was under the impression at a previous meeting that <br /> cooperation was going to be given on this and that this information could be available." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "The town regulation states that there will be no leaching <br /> facility or septic system within 150' of a well." "Since I'm reluctant to divulge the exact <br /> location of the well on my property and you would have to take a starting point as the <br /> boundaries of my lot and I guess therefore I am requesting that any parcel or portion or a <br /> septic system or leaching facility be kept 150' from all the boundaries of my property." <br /> "Once I can negotiate with parties involved to get rid of my well and hook me up to town <br /> water than this issue will go away." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I was my understanding that this proposal was made." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "Why are they going by the old septic design." <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "When the new Title V came into being there was a window of <br /> grace." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "They were never granted they were just applied for." <br />
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