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08/20/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
08/20/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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M NUTES August 20, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Evans responded, "Once plans were in they became grandfathered." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "The issue of liability will come later on with these old <br /> systems." "Some of the systems in other towns have totally contaminated the <br /> groundwater." "If the town grants a variance from the town regulations the liability is <br /> there." <br /> Mr. Ball responded, "In pre-existing subdivisions this Board traditionally grants <br /> variances down to 100' as that was the requirement at that time." "Your own well is less <br /> than 100' from your leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Grotske, "Are the taxes paid on all these lots." <br /> Mr. Grotske responded, "That's a good question, I can't answer that - probably." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "When subdivisions were designed at 100' distance as per the <br /> existing regulation at that time then the Board normally grants the variance." "If it's <br /> designed for the current regulation of 150' the Board rarely grants a variance." <br /> Mr. Bunker stated, "A letter was sent to Mr. Eynatian stating we would connect <br /> him to town water." <br /> Mr. Grotske stated, "The offer has been made and the offer will still be on the <br /> table." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "This is one of the concerns Mr. Eynatian has expressed." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "Hooking me up to water, I appreciate that but I don't feel <br /> it's enough because I'm going to have a utility bill for the rest of my life_" <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Mr. Eynatian, "You have no cost as far your private well to <br /> operate that?" <br /> Mr. Eynatian responded, "A small electricity charge for the pump." "The water <br /> table is very high, I don't have very much trouble getting water out of that." "I can't <br /> explain the other sides reluctance to negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement." "They <br /> seem to not be willing to even try and meet me at what I consider to be a reasonable <br /> request." <br />
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