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MINUTES August 27, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> issues is done." "We would be willing to accept a contingency that would be on taxes <br /> being paid." <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned Mr. Grotske, "This house is going to have the tank on <br /> the property and propose the leaching in the road?" <br /> Mr. Grotske responded, "Yes, they had originally hoped to put the leaching here <br /> (shown to the Board) but we had complications with the water line so rather than have it <br /> on this side we proposed to put it on the opposite side of the street." "Legally, it is <br /> allowable." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned, "Who is the owner of Aunt Janes Road?" <br /> Mr. Grotske responded, "The abutting lot owners however, currently all of these <br /> lots are owned by my client New Seabury Properties." <br /> W. Eynatian stated, "I have numerous concerns regarding this design." "The <br /> town has an article that was approved August 17, 1998 that states, "Any Board, Officer, <br /> Committee or Department may deny any application or revoke or suspend any local <br /> license or permit including renewals and transfers for any person, corporation or business <br /> enterprise that neglected or refuses to pay any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterment's <br /> or any other municipal charges"." "The gentlemen standing in front of you according to <br /> town records is not the owner and does not represent the owner of these properties." <br /> "The properties are stilled owned by Christopher Burden's Trust." "They are tax <br /> delinquent, they have town municipal liens on them and in my opinion this Board should <br /> not be entering into any discussion regarding permitting, applications, design or <br /> whatsoever with these individuals that are here before you." "Also, I would like to remind <br /> the Board members that if any of you have any relationship whatsoever with the parties <br /> that we're discussing this plan with in a business capacity and if there is any questions in a <br /> potential conflict of interest the Commonwealth requires that you remove yourself from <br /> any discussion relating to this." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "i resent your comment in regards to that." "I know for a fact <br /> there is not a member of this Board that has any relationship with it." "I fell insulted that <br /> you would even insinuate..." <br /> Mr. Eynatian stated, "I heard private conversation right in front of me this evening <br /> which made me very concerned." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned, "In regards to who." <br /> i <br />