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} <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> September 10, 1998 <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Members present: Robert F. Cram, Sr., Steven R. Ball and John T.'Doherty <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Robert F. Cram, Chairman <br /> 1.) Warrants signed. <br /> 2.) Mr. Ball motioned to accept the minutes of August 20, 1998, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> The minutes of August 27, 1998 were not prepared in time for this meeting. <br /> 3.) Letter from New Seabury re: Aunt Jane's Road taxes - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I <br /> haven't heard from either New Seabury or Gary Eynatian as far as the status, this is just <br /> the latest correspondence saying that they will deal with their back taxes when the transfer <br /> of ownership of New Seabury takes effect." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 4.) Variance request, 28 Keel Wav - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This property is located <br /> in the flood zone that is why the Conservation Commission is requiring a denitrification <br /> unit." "The applicant is requesting a 6' sideline variance from the street side of the lot_" <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 6' sideline variance and to approve the installation of <br /> a F.A.S.T. denitrification unit, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> i <br /> 5.) Emergency Emergengy failure certification 14 Hemlock Drive and 26 Santuit Pond Road <br /> 14 Hemlock Drive - Mr. Evans relayed, "I inspected the site and found sewage running <br /> down the side of the hill." "The leach pit was full." "I authorized immediate repair." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification"form. <br />