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MINUTES September 10, 1997 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 26 Santuit Pond Road - Mr. Evans relayed, "I inspected the site and found the leach pit <br /> full." "Their was evidence of overflow." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification"form. <br /> APPOINTMENT - J. Carter/Miller_ 56 South Sandwich Road <br /> Attorney Jerry Carter and Mrs. Carol Miller(owner of 56 Sandwich Road) were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Attorney Carter stated, "Approximately one month ago we met with Mr. McQuaid <br /> over some issues on their property." <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained, "The Miller's have had some problems with water in their <br /> basement for at least the past ten years." "I attribute that to the high ground water <br /> elevation on South Sandwich Road." "Their septic system went into failure a couple of <br /> months ago." "I certified it in failure." "It didn't require engineering." "ABCO Cesspool <br /> Service designed a repair system and I approved that, witnessed the test hole and <br /> installation of the repaired system." "It turns out the soils in the area are very poor." <br /> "Had this been new construction and I witnessed the perc test I probably would have <br /> failed the pert which would have meant that that lot would not be buildable however, they <br /> purchased the property and under the emergency repair program that we have ABCO <br /> designed the repair system, installed the repair system and ultimately is working properly." <br /> "The problem is that what I gave you is a copy of the original plan that shows <br /> groundwater at elevation 13 and down below it says assumed groundwater elevation." <br /> "As far as I know we have no indication that an actual perc test was performed." "I will <br /> say that between topsoil and groundwater was not course yellow sand and fill is not as <br /> permeable as coarse sand so that attributed to the failure of the system." "The system <br /> went in in 1977." "Most systems have a life line of about 15 years so even if this were <br /> constructed in suitable material it's not unlikely that it would fail after x number of years <br /> unless'the tank was pumped every two to three years." "When I met with Attorney Carter <br /> and the Millers I said that they may have a recourse in that a perc test was never <br /> performed and groundwater elevation was never exactly found." "I did recommend they <br /> come before the Board and demand the town compensate the Miller's for having to <br /> replace their septic system." <br /> Attorney Carter stated, "If you look at the original plan it indicates clearly that <br /> there is a leaching field, there was not leaching field at all." "It was certified by ABCO <br />