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MINUTES September 10, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> recently." "When they came in they determined that the water table was 6' and there was <br /> no leaching field." "This problem is compounded a little bit over the fact that back in <br /> 1976 when the dwelling was constructed Roy Wilson!signed an application for Disposal <br /> System Construction Permit and allowed the actual system to go in." "In 1981 the <br /> Miller's purchased the property through Farmers Home Administration." "They required <br /> the town to give them a certification from the local health board that the septic system had <br /> been installed properly and is functioning in a satisfactory manner." "In essence, they <br /> were forced to put in flow diffuser's because of the situation of it." "We're not here <br /> accusing this Board of anything, it's been a situation that should never have come about." <br /> "I don't know how the town certified this plan when in fact things weren't even there and <br /> it wasn't accurate however, we have the Miller's on the other hand incurring a lot of costs <br /> as a result of these nuances." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Most systems have a finite life." "I wouldn't agree with Mr. <br /> McQuaid's estimation of the life of a system, I would agree with twenty years." "Would it <br /> be unreasonable to assume that a system would fail after twenty years and need to be <br /> replaced?" "Probably not." "As far as making demand on the town, none of us were here <br /> then, we certainly don't take this personally." "The engineer's seal is on the plan and he is <br /> the one who certifies that the system was installed correctly." "As far as asking the Board <br /> for compensation for an allegedly premature failure of the system." "I would be inclined <br /> not to vote in favor of that only because I don't think the system failed prematurely, it was <br /> twenty or more years and I think that is reasonable for a septic system." <br /> Attorney Carter stated, "I don't think it's the system that is the issue." <br /> Mrs. Miller stated, "The system was certified in 1982." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "We certified it in failure on June 20, 1997." "I certified the <br /> failure because of excessive pumping which allowed the Millers to bypass the engineering <br /> costs and ABCO drew up a repair plan which I approved and was subsequently installed <br /> according to the repair plan." "What Mr. Carter's getting at is it shouldn't have been <br /> approved originally because of the soil conditions which are not documented and the high <br /> groundwater." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "There is a soil log here." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "The percolation test states that is was less than 2" per minute_" <br /> "Relating that to our current standards what is the variation?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "It would have passed." "Most of their yard is fill." <br />