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i <br /> MMTES October 29, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Charles Dottridge - Tuesday Landfill Closure <br /> Mr. Charles Dottridge and Mr. David Consalvi (landscapers) were in attendance <br /> for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Dottridge stated, "I understand last year there was a fiscal problem with <br /> leaving the landfill open on Tuesdays." "That may be the problem this year I don't know." <br /> "Closing it in November is very difficult on a landscaper because of the amount of leaves." <br /> "It would be nice if you could postpone it a month." <br /> Mr. Cram informed Mr. Dottridge, "For the Board to keep the landfill open that <br /> additional day, to the taxpayer's of this town that amounts to $1200.00 per day." "We did <br /> a survey as to which day would be the most feasible to eliminate." "As a compromise to <br /> closing the landfill that additional day we kept the recycling area open every day that the <br /> landfill was open." "We, as a Board, strongly feel as though $1200.00 a day for the <br /> amount of participation we got for that one day was not a justifiable means to the <br /> taxpayer's in this town." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "We are going to review and rebid the contract this year due to <br /> numerous complaints." "That new contract will only close the transfer station one day." <br /> Mr. Consalvi stated, "It is an inconvenience for me to go to the Sandwich, <br /> Marstons Mills or Falmouth to get rid of it." <br /> Mr. Cram responded, "Unfortunately, the existing contract states the landfill will <br /> be closed those two days during the winter months." <br /> 3.) Human Services Committee meeting announcement - Mr. Evans relayed, "On <br /> November 18, 1998 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 the Human Services Committee will be <br /> interviewing three applicants for the coordinator's position." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 4.) Emergency failure certification, 52 Uncle Henry's Road - Mr. Evans relayed, "I <br /> inspected the site and found the cesspool full." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br />