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MINUTES November 19, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 1999 Installer's License to Dennis Pasqualino, said <br /> license shall incorporate the months of November and December 1998, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded. <br /> 4.) Commercial septic plan, "Life" - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This matter was <br /> previously before the Board in May of 1998." "They propose to build a condominium <br /> complex for assisted living." "The total sewage flow estimates will be a maximum of <br /> 8,000 per day." `They have been in touch with Talanian properties to connect their <br /> sewage system to Talanian's proposed treatment plant." "I fully support this notion." <br /> "This will be a first with D.E.P." "They will have to change their regulation allowing <br /> someone off-site to tap into a private wastewater treatment plant." "I would recommend <br /> the Board approve this request and fully understand that when they are ready for an <br /> occupancy permit if the D.E.P. has not approved their connection to Talanian treatment <br /> plant they will be required to install their own septic system including the reserve." "I am <br /> requesting the Board approve sign-off on the building permit based on this condition." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve sign-off on the building permit with the stipulation <br /> D.E.P. approves connection to the Talanian treatment plant however, should Talanian fail <br /> to develop their proposed system or the timing of the project to the completion of the <br /> Talanian system does not fall in line, the developer's of"Life" shall comply with all Town <br /> and State septic system requirements and due to the close proximity of the Mashpee River <br /> shall include the installation of a denitrification unit, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> 5.) Expansion of Finally Dino's, septic system modification - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "Mr. Mitrokostas is expanding into what was once the video store." "He is adding 48 <br /> more seats and 12 bar stools." "Total combined seating capacity will be at 148 seats." <br /> "This does not include Dunkin Donuts or Chopsticks." "Initially, when the complex was <br /> being constructed the primary and reserve were installed." "The primary system is capable <br /> of handling 99 seats." "If you double that to 198 that would be in excess of what his total <br /> capacity will be." "He is requesting that be allowed to replace the bull-run valve to a d- <br /> box which will open up the entire Ieaching field thereby utilizing both the primary and the <br /> reserve areas." `Bear in mind this restaurant, Dunkin Donuts and Chopsticks are not full- <br /> service restaurants." "The 35 gallons per seat per day is on the high end." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Should there be an overflow is there an area where the <br /> reserve could be installed?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Yes." "If the Board is hesitant Mr. Mitrokostas could <br /> provide water usage flows from the past year based on the number of seats." <br />