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I <br /> MINUTES November 19, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve the request to replace the bull-run valve with a <br /> distribution box thereby utilizing both the primary and reserve areas with the stipulation <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas provide the Agent with monthly water usage flows from the past year <br /> which indicate the amount is less than Title V requirements, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> 6.) Residential Kitchen permit application, "C66 Jo's" - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The <br /> applicant is requesting to sell specialty baked goods from her home." "I recommend the <br /> Board approve the request." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 1999 Residential Kitchen permit to Ms. Joanne <br /> Rouston d/b/a "C66 Jo's", said permit shall incorporate the months of November and <br /> December 1998, Mr. Cram seconded_ <br /> 7.) Emergency Failure Certification, 392 Great Neck Road - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I <br /> inspected the site and found the cesspool full." <br /> Board members forwarded their signature's to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification"form. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> I.R.P. Notice re: John's Ponds Sampling <br /> Mr_ McQuaid relayed, "I am going to incorporate this notice into my letter to the <br /> D.P.H. requesting they sample the fish in John's Pond." <br /> Memo from Human Services requesting appointments <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to appoint Veronica Mayer as the Board of Health <br /> representative on an as needed basis, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to appoint Orin O. Evans as a citizen representative, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to appoint the Falmouth Human Services Agency as <br /> coordinator to the Mashpee Human Services Committee, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> I <br /> I <br />