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02/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
02/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MIlVUTES February 4, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> supports that type of service." "The latter being very important." "The two-page <br /> handout shows the extent the research will be." <br /> Mr. Leveille added, "A major concern is that the cost of trash disposal in Mashpee <br /> is becoming astronomical as they .are everywhere." "How can we respectively <br /> reduce the cost and still improve service to the members of the community_" "In <br /> my opinion an option would be curbside pickup and how to make it cost <br /> effective." "The pay as you throw has to be specifically geared to every <br /> community, every section and cannot be something that's taken lightly." "It is a <br /> more creative way of approaching waste disposal than what we have now." "I am <br /> not for the status quo where prices keeping going up and we keep struggling <br /> along." "The main reason we are here is because we are concerned about the cost, <br /> trying to improve service to the citizens, and most of all let's find something new <br /> and different approaches." "Some documentation we have seen about curbside, <br /> pay as you throw pickup, however implemented, it seems to be quite successful." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "Could .pay as you throw be at the transfer station instead of <br /> curbside pickup"? <br /> Mr. Leveille answered, "Actually the initial thought was that could be a first <br /> step." "We would have to develop a really thorough plan and work with the <br /> community and various organizations." "The next step would be curbside pickup <br /> and that may not be a good approach." "I don't have any answers but I am <br /> looking for a cooperative effort where a group of creative people could come up <br /> with a long-term plan." "It's pretty obvious when you look at the figures <br /> something has to be done." <br /> Mr. Cram asked, "Would not some of the figures under current solid waste costs <br /> be implemented under curbside." <br /> Mr. Whritenour stated, "Yes, that is a good point." "On page 2 is a hypothetical <br /> scenario whereby beginning last July FY99, if we had curbside operations based <br /> on the rough estimates we received, what that would look like in the budget <br /> versus the existing one" "We figured out over this year's budget, if we were at <br /> curbside, the overall gross cost would probably be $75K more." "The other thing <br /> that really should be looked at is that the individual resident does not know what <br /> is really involved with solid waste." "They don't know that they pay $150.00 a <br /> year to bring their trash to the transfer station; they think it's only$35.00 and don't <br /> realize the rest comes out of their property taxes." <br /> Mr. Doherty noted, "The whole issue of solid waste is as David said, not an <br /> overnight thing, but a process because people in this country have it that we are a <br /> throw a way society." "Packaging and a lot of other things are insufficient and we <br /> have all this waste and trash to get rid of." "Changing people's habits and <br /> reducing the waste strain is a high priority, unfortunately it's one that takes an <br /> investment in time and education." "Perhaps we can form a partnership with the <br />
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