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02/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
02/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES February 4, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> I <br /> schools by starting with the kids because changing adult's habits are tough and the <br /> results will not be seen in 2 or 3 years." "The sticker issue has always been a hot <br /> topic and we always strive to keep it low and I understand we have failed to meet <br /> the gentlemen's agreement of 50-50." "The cost that you don't see and can't factor <br /> into is how much more trash ends up in the woods." "You have qualified it by <br /> saying this is very preliminary but I don't understand the estimated cost for <br /> disposal being less." "I don't see this unless the hauler had some secret place he <br /> was taking it to that was real cheap, for the Town has a bargain rate locked in with <br /> SEMASS." "A commercial hauler is going to pay more to dispose of that waste." <br /> "If all we are doing is shifting waste from the municipal station to a commercial <br /> hauler, the volume has not changed only who is hauling has." "I can't see the cost <br /> going down." "Another serious matter we have to look at is our contractual <br /> obligations to SEMASS and Upper Cape Regional Transfer Station." "We helped <br /> to build it and also fund its operation." "Far us to bailout, I don't know if we can <br /> cleanly." "There is also a mix up in terms." "Curbside collection is not pay as <br /> you throw." "Pay as you throw is a well-defined national model for waste <br /> disposal and to mix the two is not fair." "Are we talking about private, <br /> commercial, or developing a municipal fleet of trash trucks and what is the cost <br /> there." "Everyone would love curbside, they don't have to drive to the transfer <br /> station but then what do we do with the transfer station?" "There is a substantial <br /> investment there and how many years before we recoup the loss of that <br /> investment." "I am not against it but there are a lot of questions and a lot of <br /> things to look at." <br /> Mr. Leveille noted, "As you were talking you recited 6 or 7 reasons and I had <br /> some immediate responses to each but the real response is a group to address it <br /> for it is worth pursuing." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "If on the residential sticker prices there was a recommendation to <br /> up the cost and if all the Selectmen were for it:" <br /> Mr. Levielle responded, "Whether or not the fees go up is really the Board of <br /> Health's decision." "He further stated, "Basically I am here to appeal to the Board <br /> to take advantage of what might be a good opportunity for the community long <br /> range if we get together and do something about this." "We have to start planning <br /> now." "Many of the apprehensions don't pan out to be as serious as people think <br /> they are if addressed as they go along." "For example, illegal dumping." "If part <br /> of your program is a strong enforcement one, this helps to address that problem." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "One thing not included in the worksheet is the fact that if <br /> we do go to curbside, we will still need the transfer station for bulky waste." <br /> Mr. Doherty asked, "For what, open 3 days?" . <br /> Mr. McQuaid noted, "You can't take the transfer station operation dollars divided <br /> by 352 and say we'll only go for 2 or 3 days because it doesn't work that way." <br />
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