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MINUTES March 4, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 3.) Request for Massage Therapist Licenses: Amy Erickson. Mr. Ball stated <br /> that he had no concerns regarding this application. Board members <br /> agreed. Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 1999 massage therapist license to <br /> Ms. Erickson. Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Request for Massage Therapist License: Amy Hotchkiss. Mr. Ball stated <br /> that he had no concerns regarding this application. Board members <br /> agreed. Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 1999 massage therapist license to <br /> Ms. Hotchkiss. Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: BSC/Phoenix- Popponesset Inn Septic Upgrade (continuation) <br /> Mr. Norman Hayes of BSC Group and Mr. Michael Grotzke of The <br /> Phoenix Group were in attendance. <br /> . Mr. Grotzke explained, "In response to contacting the State, we've <br /> determined that they will require a treatment plant for the Popponesset Inn <br /> since the actual flows are in excess of 10,000 gallons." "In the past we've asked <br /> for consideration that it will take at least a year and more likely two years for <br /> designing and construction of this." "We're going to be asking for an <br /> operational consent order from D.E.P. and our attorneys are drafting the <br /> consent order as we speak." "They'll review the draft tomorrow and get back to <br /> us on that one." "In the interim, what we'd like to do is upgrade the system <br /> that we have now to accommodate 10,000 gallons which equals 285 seats, per <br /> our discussion with Mr. McQuaid and D.E.P. a few weeks ago." "The timing on <br /> this rather critical, in fact we're running very, very close since we have <br /> commitments from April lst on for conferences and other functions." "We're <br /> legally committed to having this thing open and up and running and we need to <br /> do whatever is necessary." "In that light, we've retained BSC to design the <br /> upgrade of the septic system." "They are very familiar with what was there <br /> since they designed the previous two upgrades." "We've created a leaching area <br /> and sized the tanks for the 10,000 gallon flow." "We do hope to have this thing <br /> in place by the 1st of April." "We've confirmed with some of the vendors that the <br /> components are in stock so that won't slow us up." "But it's still a big amount <br /> of work that has to be done." "There is something like a 'A mile of pipe to be <br /> installed." <br /> Mr. Hayes confirmed, "2,250 lineal feet of pipe." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "Has D.E.P. looked this over?" <br /> Mr. Grotzke responded, "No, this falls within your jurisdiction." "Of <br /> course we are working with D.E.P. and our long range plan is to use the exact <br /> same leaching area and we're constructing to that standard to use the same <br /> leaching area for use when we have a treatment facility." "I suspect that the <br />