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I <br /> MINUTES March 4, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> leaching area will be adequate for substantially greater flow than just the Title v <br /> flow." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "But the goal is to upgrade to a regular sewage <br /> treatment facility?" <br /> Mr. Grotzke answered, "Yes, in fact we are making that commitment to <br /> D.E.P." ,"In writing." "They will not give us a consent order if we don't agree to <br /> that." <br /> Mr. Hayes added, "This design will be able to service the sewage <br /> treatment plant." <br /> I <br /> Mr. Grotzke then addressed their two variance requests. "In case of <br /> weather or other problems and this system doesn't get installed completely by <br /> the 1st of April, what we had asked for was a variance to allow us to use the <br /> existing tankage and also the supplemental tankage as a tight tank system <br /> until we get the system completed." "Looking at the previous numbers, we <br /> expect to have a flow of between 3,000 - 4,000 gallons per day at peak." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "Would these be alarmed?" <br /> Mr. Hayes responded, "No, a warden would just check them." "This will <br /> hold a week at peak flow." <br /> Mr. Grotzke added, "Almost two weeks actually between all of the tanks." <br /> "A representative of New Seabury would actually monitor the tank levels during <br /> the tight tank operation phase to make it pump." <br /> Mr. Hayes also added, "This whole thing is going to be constructed with <br /> the fact that there will be a sewage treatment plant at some later point." "We <br /> feel that if we can get a variance from you all to not construct a reserve between <br /> these it would be far better to construct the reserve at a later date instead of <br /> just letting the pipe sit and not being hooked up." "We're asking for that <br /> variance too." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I have no problems with what's been <br /> presented so far, but I do have a couple of comments." "I have checked with <br /> D.E.P. to see if they have any problems with us granting the 1st variance (using <br /> the tight tanks on a temporary basis) and also, granting the variance to not <br /> install the reserve." "Brian Dudley indicated that he didn't have a problem with <br /> that, however, he's anxious to get a copy of this plan because the consent order <br /> should not only address the future construction of the treatment plant." "The <br /> consent order should also include this temporary solution." "His advice to my <br /> Board is to not issue a construction permit for this temporary solution until we <br /> get the okay from D.E.P. that they have agreed with the consent order." "Brian <br />