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03/24/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
03/24/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> March 24, 1999 <br /> i <br /> Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. <br /> Members present: Robert F. Cram, Sr., Steven R. Ball, Elias A. McQuaid and Veronica <br /> A. Mayer <br /> THE TAPE IS NOT PART OF THE MEETING; IT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br /> TRANSCRIPTION ONLY. <br /> Mr. Robert F. Cram, Sr., Chairman <br /> Public Hearing on proposedā€˛recycling regulation draft. <br /> Mr. Cram noted that the purpose of the hearing is to take comments from the <br /> public with regard to the proposed draft on this regulation. <br /> Mr. Ball recommended that Ms. Mayer give some background on the regulation.. <br /> Ms. Mayer stated, "We are trying to adopt a regulation which is part of the <br /> Municipal Recycling Incentive Program (MRIP) and one of the criteria in that is to <br /> require haulers to accept recycling and trash at a flat fee. The reason we're requesting <br /> this is because if you were to charge for recyclables we all know that no one would <br /> -recycle. The minute you charge a fee, it skews everything. That's why there is a flat <br /> fee being proposed. The rest of the country has some great recycling efforts going on <br /> and it's corning and it's just about here. Our trash budget in the year 2001 is going to <br /> be near $1 million. The Town just can't afford it and we've got to do something. We <br /> all have to do something. This is a start. We'd love to hear your comments, <br /> suggestions, and recommendations." <br /> Ed Macomber from Macomber Sanitation asked, "Are you going to help supply <br /> some way to get rid of the recyclables if we recycle? We don't have any facility where <br /> we can bring them, but in the Town of Barnstable we do it now and we have a flat rate <br /> of$2.00 per pick up. We don't make any money at it, zero profit, but the Town <br /> accepts whatever recyclables we bring them." <br /> Ms. Mayer responded, "It's something we can consider." <br /> Mr. Macomber added, "Right now in the town of Mashpee, I've got about 36 <br /> accounts. Out of those 36, 1 have only 2 recyclers. People need to be educated also." <br /> Ms. Mayer responded, "Absolutely. We're very aware of that. Our intentions <br /> are to start with all the condominiums in town and set up recycling programs for <br /> them. We're thinking of doing a pilot program with one of the condominium <br /> complexes. We would send out flyers, attend association Meetings, set up a program <br /> and it would be one constant turnover of education, education, education. In other <br />
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