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i <br /> MINUTES March 24, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> states, the disposal companies are coming up with some ingenious ideas. These are <br /> happening more in the western part of the country, but at least they are happening. <br /> Everyone has to work together to come up with some sort of program that's going to <br /> work. <br /> Mr. Macomber added, "The problem is finding the markets for getting rid of the <br /> recyclables." <br /> Ms. Mayer responded, "DEP is aware of that. They are trying to put some <br /> programs together." <br /> Mr. Macomber stated, "The question right now is, what do we do with it?' On <br /> the West Coast they were making better money from the product because they could <br /> sell it to foreign countries easier than we can on this coast." <br /> I <br /> Ms. Mayer added, "And we all know what happened recently with the foreign <br /> markets, don't we? We're paying now to get rid of the tin cans and we used to get <br /> money for that stuff and the white goods and everything else. It's going to have to <br /> turn around and I think it's going to happen." <br /> Mr. Macomber stated, "When it makes and turn-around and there's a market <br /> then there's money for everyone to make. But, right now I'm just glad to be able to <br /> bring my few recyclables to the town landfill." <br /> Mr. Cram added, "The ultimate dream of this is to make money on the <br /> recyclables, but if we can even break even, the net effect is that it's reducing our <br /> tonnage that's going to Otis and eventually on to SEMASS. This tends to help reduce <br /> our costs. This is one of the other sides of this we have to look at too." <br /> Mr. Macomber stated, "Right, but I'm doing less than breaking even right now. <br /> It's all just customer relations right now." <br /> Ms. Mayer stated, "Bourne is proposing to open up a big recycling facility." <br /> Mr. McQuaid added, "They are proposing to establish a recycling transfer <br /> station at Otis, adjacent to the Otis transfer station and using the rail, where possible, <br /> to market the recyclables. The Otis Board of Managers is fully behind it as far as <br /> giving Bourne the permission to do that. Our Board would seriously look at allowing <br /> the smaller haulers who have residential accounts use of our transfer station for your <br /> recyclables." <br /> Ms. Mayer introduced Vicky Davis, administrator of the Municipal Recycling <br /> Incentive Program, who stated, "The grant program requires that towns that <br /> participate in the grant program pass the regulation that's being discussed tonight. <br /> The State does a lot of funding for recycling projects in the state from a fund called <br /> CEF which is from the Bottle Bill when people don't turn in their bottles. The State <br /> gets that money. There was talk today at a meeting I attended that they are hoping to <br /> get about $1 S million. A portion of that would go toward loans or grants to local <br /> businesses that buy recyclables. Hopefully that would help the situation for your <br /> markets. I realize that it's difficult when you have an international economy. Under <br />