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i <br /> MINUTES March 24, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> this particular grant there is a timeline for implementing this regulation. This is a <br /> voluntary grant program, but if towns are going to continue in this program then they <br /> need to pass a regulation like this prior to July 1, 1999 and then we can implement it." <br /> Ms. Mayer added, "If we don't participate in this program, the state can come in <br /> at any time and spot check the loads at the transfer station and if they find too many <br /> recyclables they can then'reject the entire load." <br /> David Pina of Pina Sanitation stated, "I was wondering how Mashpee is <br /> currently handling the collection of recyclables." <br /> Ms. Mayer responded, "We have roll-offs there and we have a new newspaper <br /> roll off from DEP and we are going to start collecting #1's of the PET's. J&L out of <br /> Provincetown picks up the roll-offs when they are full and takes them to the recycling <br /> facilities." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "One of the things we have been talking about it having a <br /> different sticker for people who just wanted to recycle. That's something we can look <br /> into that these guys would get too." <br /> Mr. Pina asked, "Is the DARP going to go to every house and pick through the <br /> trash?" <br /> Ms. Davis explained, "No. DARP stands for Department Approved Recycling <br /> Program. Towns have to fill out a form to be DARP approved by the State. The <br /> inspections are held at the disposal facilities. Starting in September it is also going to <br /> include the transfer stations. They are supposed to do random inspections of the <br /> trucks that come in and if there is a certain amount of recyclables in there, then they <br /> can reject the load. The inspections will take place where the trucks go, not at the <br /> local transfer stations. There is a certain limit of recyclables that can be in each load <br /> that won't be rejected. The effective date of this would be July 1st. You have to be <br /> ready to go with it on July 1st. You can phase into it, but you've got to get started." <br /> Mr. Macomber asked, "Every town has to be signed up by July 1st?" <br /> Ms. David stated, "Every town that is involved in this particular grant program." <br /> Ms. Mayer further explained, "If we are in the program, we won't get our loads <br /> inspected. If we are not in it, they are going to inspect the loads. Therefore, it would <br /> be in our best interest to adopt the regulation." "We are going to start with a pilot <br /> program in one of the condominium projects." "The Town and the haulers will need to <br /> work together on this. Well let the haulers know what the Board decides. Thank you <br /> all for coming tonight." <br /> 1. Sign warrants. Warrants signed. <br /> 2. Approve minutes of Febz-uary 4, 1999 meetin . Mr. Ball motioned to accept the <br /> minutes of February 4, 1999. Mr. Cram seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />