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MINUTES March 24, 1999 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Approve minutes of March 10, 1999 meeting. Mr. Ball motioned to accept the <br /> minutes of March 10, 1999. Mr. Cram seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 3. Memo re: Passover from Town Clerk. Mr. Ball motioned to cancel the Board <br /> meeting on March 31, 1999 due to the Passover holiday. Mr. Cram seconded <br /> the motion. Motion passed. <br /> j4. Emergengy failure certification: 51 Great Neck Road North. Board members <br /> forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency Failure Certification" form. <br /> Emergency failure certification: 186 Fells Pond Road. Board members forwarded <br /> their signatures to the "Emergency Failure Certification" form. <br /> 5. Variance request: 288 Simons Narrows Road revisedplans). Mr. Joseph <br /> Harvey, agent for the applicant, is requesting variances from the minimum <br /> separation distance between a well and soil absorption system as follows: 10' <br /> from the well on Lot 4, 42' from the well on Lot 41, 37' from the well on Lot 42 <br /> and 102' from the proposed well on Lot 3. Also being requested is a variance of <br /> 46'from the proposed well on Lot 3 to the leaching area on Lot 41 and 38' from <br /> the proposed well for Lot 3 to the leaching area on Lot 41. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the variances as requested by Mr. Harvey. Mr. Cram <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 6. Voluntarupgrade: 82 Wheeler Road. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "Mr. Herbst had a full Title V plan drawn up by DeFeo- <br /> Wait back in 1996 and he was hoping to become part of a pilot program <br /> instituted by WBNERR (Waquoit Bay National Estuary Research Reserve) on <br /> innovative new systems. They had this entire plan drawn up, i believe, at no <br /> cost to him. It included the pump chamber and the trickling sand filtered <br /> alternative system. This did not get approved as part of the pilot study. He <br /> now wants to modify this 10-page plan to what each member has been given. <br /> The tank and pump chamber have been slightly relocated, going up to a <br /> distribution box and then into two 500-gallon dry wells which would suffice to <br /> handle the _. He's asking for us to consider this an emergency failure where <br /> he wouldn't need a full new set of engineering plans. The fact is his system has <br /> been pumped three times in 12 months. It's not a true emergency where his <br /> existing cesspool is overflowing or he can't live in the house. But, it's a failed <br /> septic system based on pumping history." <br /> Mr. Cram noted, "Based on past experiences of what the Board and its agents <br /> have done, I'd like to see an engineered plan on this." <br /> I <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended, "Why don't we approve the plan as submitted, but <br /> ask for an engineer to do the final inspection of the tank, pump system and <br /> leach field. In other words, have them fill the tank, turn the pump on, make <br /> sure it pumps up there and make sure it hits the leach field." <br /> I <br /> L <br />