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s <br /> MINUTES April 28, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I will find out how much our contractor would charge to <br /> haul the white goods to Brockton Iron & Steel." <br /> 4. Response from AFCEE re: Pond Testing and LF-4 <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT Mr. Joseph Harvey re: 18 Pond View Drive <br /> Mr. Harvey was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Harvey stated, "The applicant is looking for approval to install a soil <br /> absorption system less than 100' away from an isolated fresh water wetland. <br /> Because of the shape of the lot and the wetlands that are on the adjacent open <br /> space lot, we can't maintain the 100' setback anywhere on the property. <br /> There's also another wetland north of Lot 26, bordering on Lot 25. We can, <br /> however, maintain a 79' setback to the primary system and 74' setback to the <br /> reserve. What we are proposing is to install a new micro-fast denitrification <br /> system coupled with a 26'vertical separation from the elevation of the flagged <br /> wetlands and the bottom of the soil absorption system. We've got a <br /> considerable amount of vertical separation to begin with. We still have to go <br /> before Conservation Commission with this so we are certainly not home free by <br /> any stretch. Our first step is with this Board." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I'm personally acquainted with the lot and I know what the <br /> slope is. It's not appealing." <br /> Mr. Harvey agreed, "You can't sugar coat it; it's not a pretty lot. But the <br /> denitrification coupled with the vertical separation should provide a fairly <br /> substantial level of protection for the wetland area and the groundwater. All of <br /> the abutting properties are on town water." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I don't have a problem with this." <br /> Mr. McQuaid added, "When I did the perk some of the neighbors approached <br /> Mr. Harvey and I. They were visibly upset that we were even perking this lot. <br /> They were told that when they purchased their properties that the lots in <br /> question here were not buildable and that there would be no construction <br /> there. From a purely technical point of view, it meets the Title V requirements <br /> as long as we grant the variance to the wetlands and we have in the past in <br /> return for a denitrification system. You have to see the lot to fully appreciate <br /> that there is bound to be a safety issue. This slope is so steep that an adult <br /> healthy male could not climb from the pond to where the foundation would be <br /> without tripping and rolling back down the hill. Our purview is not personal <br /> safety, it's public safety. This is private property. If someone were to walk on <br /> this property and be injured, it would not be the Board of Health's <br /> responsibility because that is personal safety. We're here to protect public <br /> safety and the environment. It's a tough call." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I feel that we need more information." <br />