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i <br /> I <br /> I <br /> MINUTES April 28, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> i <br /> I <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to continue this item until there are three Board members <br /> present to be able to make a decision. Mr. Cram seconded the motion. Motion <br /> to continue passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT Mr. Joseph Harve re: 15 Ockwa Bay Road <br /> Mr. Harvey was in attendance for his scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Harvey stated, "The applicant is requesting to use an 11 year old perk test <br /> for a new house and septic system at 15 Ockway Bay Road. He's hoping to <br /> temporarily use the existing information and build a smaller house than what <br /> was proposed years ago. What he'd like to do is use the information that is on <br /> file and then have a complete soil evaluation at the time the system is installed. <br /> Groundwater and soil conditions are not an issue." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I don't know why we aren't re-perking." <br /> Mr. Harvey explained, "It's just a matter of trying to save time. He's trying to <br /> get his building permit application in before the possibility of a cap in building <br /> permit numbers going into effect after Town Meeting." <br /> Mr. McQuaid added, "I'll perk it whenever you want to. I would feel more <br /> comfortable re-perking this lot than using an 11-year--old perk. Just let us perk <br /> it before you ask us to sign off on the building permit application. We will <br /> accommodate the perk rather than set a precedent." <br /> Mr. Harvey then withdrew his request with the understanding that the lot will <br /> be perked at his convenience. <br /> 5. Sullivan Subdivision Definitive Plan <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The applicants, Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan, are requesting to <br /> divide their one large lot into two lots." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the subdivision definitive plan. Mr. Cram seconded <br /> the motion. Motion passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Tom Fodala re: Nitrogen Mana ement <br /> Mr. Fudala and the Board agreed to postpone this appointment for two weeks. <br /> 6. Variance Request: 33 Porthole Drive <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance of 33'from the active leaching to the existing <br /> well of 34 Porthole Drive. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "We have a revised plan and cover letter from Cape and <br /> Islands Engineering." <br /> Mr. Cram explained, "They have relocated the leaching field right into the <br /> corner and are asking for a 5'variance from Davit Road to the leaching field. <br /> This has increased the distance from the leaching field to the existing well of 34 <br /> Porthole Drive by 11'more. Going from 1 17'to 128'." <br />